Web assignments that connect the curriculum of the students of the 10th grade in elementary schools and the exhibition material are an aspect of the exhibition. Thirty-two classes have booked visits to the exhibition, most visit the Reykjavík City Library, but also class visits are still being booked for the University of Iceland, where the exhibition opens on the 17th of September and lasts until the 9th of October. The classes, under the guidance of faculty, utilize the thorough student assignments implemented on this site’s section: Educational Material .
It has been a pleasure to observe the students’ interest and enthusiasm for the exhibition. Most of them come from the Greater Reykjavík Area; Reykjavík, Kópavogi, Hafnafirði, Garðabæ and Mosfellsbæ, but also were 72 students all the way from the Vestmanneyjar Islands.
Here’s a link to a news section from RÚV of student visits to the exhibition: One thousand students have visited the exhibition